Mac World

2005年Macworld Expo今天在美国旧金山开幕,Steve Jobs上台致词(实况录像)时获得的掌声和全场的气氛,让你觉得这更像伍德斯托克摇滚节,而不是一场技术盛会。掩埋在技术人员心底残存的艺术细胞,在Apple的世界里得到完全的释放。这也造成了Apple这一独特的现象,从来不是市场主流,市场占有率也处在边缘,价格也是居高不下,但是其品牌和产品就是屹立不倒,影响了一代又一代人。
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A Perfect Indian


a perfect indian—sinead o’cornner

a perfect indian is he
remembering him life is sweet
like a weeping willow
his face on my pillow
comes to me still in my dreams
and there i saw a young baby
a beautiful daughter was she
a face from a painting
red cheeks and teeth aching
her eyes like a wild irish sea
on a table in her yellow dress
for a photograph feigned happiness
why in my life is that the only time
that any of you will smile at me
i’m sailing on this terrible ocean
i’ve come for my self to retrieve
too long have i been feeling like lir’s children
and there’s only one way to be free